вторник, 21 января 2020 г.


This means that basically for the most part, the route has a brief thing with the school festival, and then suddenly it breaks right into the sad depressing shit that you know is coming because of the exact same template in every single route. I knew he had some kind of reason behind, but it was still cruel how he kept doing it without caring for he feelings. Maybe you should try that. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here That should make the game text in english. Unlike all others, Ame is OLD. The first thing I do before installing is to change the locale to Japanese first then install the game and I tried it on other pc the other way around and it does give me an error message, good luck thought.

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Kokoro continues to have dreams of a past life with herself and Ame in the taisho era. Shinigammi is really adorable. As she remembers this, she remembers the pain of getting stabbed and Shun rushes her back to her room. As Kokoro spends more time with Mei she finds out more and more about the person she loves meanwhile Yoru observes them from the shadows.

Re: Birthday Song ~ Koi wo Utau Shinigami ~ – Ame Route | Otome Dreamworld

She thanks Kokoro for bringing her son to her, making her apple bitrhday and becoming her friend in the end. Thank you for helping me It will be fine! You are commenting using your WordPress.

What i suppose to do now??

Re:Birthday Song ~Koi o Utau Shinigami~ (JPN) PC Download - Nitroblog

He apologizes for leaving her alone all this time and htau last few days of her life they interact a lot more. Kairi and Yoru then break in to rescue her because they thought something was wrong when she would never come to class.

Now I have a problem with the patch! Ooi a result, she was grouped with other cadets that were falling behind, and was made to take special supplementary lessons. When Kokoro asks him why he took interest in baking he says that he used to have someone who loved eating his sweets…and he wanted to please them more so he learned to cook better.

She ends up failing the exam and goes to the special supplementary class instead, where she meets the main characters. And so they decide kou keep their distance for a bit to think about what they plan to do with themselves. I already tried replacing the Rio. The councils dudes back off realizing what a badass powerful Shinigami birhhday she is.

When they return to the Netherworld, the council arrests both sensei and owl and tells Kokoro to come with them. Email required Address never made public. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

He sends her do owl message to meet in the school and when she does he says he asks her to help send his soul off into his next life. Email required Address never made public.

Mei then cries that everyone put her on a pedestal except Yoru which is why she fell in love with him. The BGM was good, nothing really memorable for me, but good.

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Otome Game Review: Re: Birthday Song ~Koi wo Utau Shinigami~

HelloI followed instruction but there is that who appears: He impressed her by his inventions while she impressed him with her singing. When I first started the game out I was really hoping for it to be good and I had even planned to get the Stellaworth ioi for UnBday song but now….

He was hoping after this whole thing, Kokoro would be despaired and give up trying to be a Shinigami. If that happens, I would extremely be happy. She sings him her song and as he goes off she kisses him goodbye. Kairi tells him he wants to make sure that after he dies his soul is reborn without any unfinished business.

Re:Birthday Song Free Download (Inclu English Patch)

I liked Syun more than I thought I would, maybe because you can see his soft side easily? He then tells Kokoro that in the past the only light of hope for Kairi was his grandpa — and her. The black dot indicates you are bigthday to launch your game in windows mode, tick the other if you want full screen mode.

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